A1 - Volunteer (General)

Volunteer Registration

Please register here for access to our online scheduling calendar.
On this calendar you'll find all future opportunities at our construction sites, in the ReStore, at our office, local events and more.
Volunteers must be at least 16 years old, except for special event hosts and office mailings (14+).
In addition to these opportunities, fundraising, event planning, land acquisition, family advocacy, marketing & public relations, grant writing, etc. are integral parts of the Habitat NCM mission. We welcome new volunteers for all these roles, so please get in touch for more information on how you can help "behind the scenes".
Court-Mandated Community Service: Please e-mail Volunteer@NCMHabitat.Org for information on completing your community service with us. Authorization is required before signing up for a volunteer shift, in order for hours to be credited. We are unable to accept requests where larceny and/or violence was involved in the incident.

Contact and Basic Info
* Required
* Required
* Required
    *This email will also serve as your username.
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required

Emergency Contact Info
(Who do we contact if you are in an Emergency Situation while volunteering?)
* Required
* Required
* Required

* Required

Please review our Adult liability waiver or Youth liability waiver. Youth Waivers must also be printed and filled out, then brought to your first shift.
* Required

* Required


For questions and concerns regarding volunteering at Habitat NCM, or registration and sign-up please e-mail us at Volunteer@NCMHabitat.Org or call us Mon-Fri 9am-5pm on 978-348-2749 x205.