Construction - Ayer Afternoon
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
12:00 PM -
4:00 PM
2024 Ayer - Newton St
12 Newton Street
Ayer, MA 01432
No experience required! Tools and training provided.
Help Habitat build a new energy efficient home at 12 Newton St. in Ayer.
Previous construction experience is helpful but not necessary. Habitat NCM will provide all tools and training needed.
Construction volunteers must be at least 16 years of age.
Volunteers aged 16-17 should
click here to print a MINOR waiver which
must be signed by their parent / legal guardian.
Please read the online safety manual and view Habitat International's safety video before volunteering for the first time. You can find both items on the Construction Safety page of our website.
General Information: Please arrive by 12:00 pm for sign in and safety briefing. Volunteers should plan on bringing their own lunches unless advised otherwise. Water, sunscreen and insect repellent are always available on site as well as a limited selection of snacks.
Clothing: Wear appropriate clothing you do not mind getting dirty, including work boots or sturdy shoes.
Do not wear sandals or flip-flops! Dressing in layers allows volunteers to be comfortable working inside or out as needed. A rain jacket is recommended, even if work is planned inside, whereas there may be a short walk to the site from where you are able to park.
Safety: Please be vigilant for yourself and your fellow volunteers on the site. If you feel uncomfortable performing a task, or you witness another volunteer in a dangerous situation, stop working and speak with the Construction Supervisor immediately.
In addition to the safety briefing at the beginning of the work day, a basic safety manual and fully-stocked first aid kit is always available on site.
Cancellations: To cancel your work day sign up, please log back into the scheduling site and delete your registration.
Please give as much notice as possible to ensure other volunteers have the opportunity to fill your space.
Parking:  Please be considerate of surrounding homeowners when parking your car near the work site, and carpool if possible. If you have any doubts regarding parking once you arrive, please ask the Construction Supervisor for further instruction.
Inclement Weather: HFHNCM does not normally cancel a work day because of rain. If severe weather is forecast, HFHNCM will decide whether to delay or cancel the build day. If Ayer Public School District has canceled or delayed hours, Habitat NCM will also cancel or delay. Volunteers or their group leader will also be notified as soon as possible via e-mail or telephone so please make sure you provide us with accurate information for those items when registering to volunteer with us.
Habitat NCM continues to serve partner families in building simple, decent, affordable homes. We can do this through the generosity of volunteers and donors. We encourage you to include your family and friends in your volunteering experience by printing a sponsorship form and help raise funds to raise roofs!